Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Four Types of Men That Get In Relationships...Some should NOT

There is a list for everything these days, a list of who's best dressed, a list of favourite foods, a list of bad diets, a list of who's cuter well there is a list of men that we get into relationships and how to identify them.

In descending order from the most favourable man to the least

1. The Faithful Man
2. The Man That Has a Wife & Has A Girlfriend On The Side
3. The Man That Is In A Relationship and Sleeps Around Because He Feels Like He Can
4. The Sex Addict

The Faithful Man is the of course the man that everyone wants but can't figure out with all the noise in the dating game who is this man?, where is he?, where does he live? and how come there aren't enough of him to go around?

The Man That Has a Wife & a girlfriend is the second most favourable man because these are the men that have trouble communicating what they need from their primary relationship. Most likely, all they want is more of your attention, however they're not needy or dependent, they are just looking for more of your time and they will get it from someone who is willing to give it to them. It is also fair to say that just because they have a girlfriend on the side doesn't mean they are having sex with them. The man that has a wife and a girlfriend is aware of who is priority. If something happens to you and you are #1 (or the wife) trust he will be right there by your side, where as #2 will probably get a phone call or a card. It is your duty as the wife to make sure that if you find yourself more pre-occupied with something else in your relationship that you take a moment to sit back and ask your lover, how are we doing? not how are you doing? but how are we doing? Are you happy? what can we do? It may not necessarily sound like that but just gauge your relationship, pace your relationship and make sure the lines of communication is open.

The Man That Is In A Relationship and Sleeps Around Because He Feels Like He Can is the man that sleeps around because he feels that he can absolutely get away with it for as long as he possibly can. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that this is the majority of the men that God created on this beautiful green, blue and brown earth. This is the man that is pretty on the side and ugly on the inside. This is the man that tells you who is he is from the get but we are so blinded by the pretty that we can't see the ugly. If he has critical opinions about things that aren't important like a persons looks or what a persons wearing or the kind of car that a person drives but have no opinions about things that matter, then mostly this is the guy right here and you need to run as far away as you can. Another clue to this type of man is the man that clearly "gets bored easily" now that alone should sound bells, whistles and alarm in your brain to say "check please!". The man that is in a relationship and sleeps around because feels like he can has a sense of entitlement. They are not humble and they feel they can not be knocked down and therefore they will continue to do it and in some cases even after he has been knocked down will he continue to do it because he will find a way to justify his every move.

The Sex Addict is the classic Sinner Man right? This man can't seem to get enough body, flesh, pussy, ass, titties, head (if he's gay dick, ass, cum, head). The Sex Addict often goes ignored but is as dangerous if not more dangerous as the gambling addiction. The Sex Addict will be in a relationship, have a girlfriend, sleeps around because he can and also will be online hook up sites and has an extensive porn collection. This man along with the Man That Is In A Relationship but Sleeps Around Because He Feels He Can, should not get in relationships but they do. At least with the Sex Addict there is help for them but if you find yourself in a relationship with this person and didn't realize it from the beginning, you have to allow them to get treated for this addiction and leave the relationship. You may feel like you are doing them a favour by staying with them however, all you are is a crutch to lean on when times get rough. They have to get treatment for this and then come to you clean. They are no good to you as a partner otherwise.

What do you think?


  1. Weird how the length of the descriptions kinda mirrored the population of that type of person. It's sad that there aren't many of the 1st type, and kinda strange how the ones who claim to want the 1st type so badly are the 3rd or 4th type themselves.

  2. I know which one I am!! :) The faithful man!! :)

  3. The faithful man is SO hard to find...I really don't think he exists. Most people fall into category 3...

  4. i like this post it was interesting. I'm the faithful man, but i just dont trust niggas

  5. I would agree with most of your profile but the sex addict may not even scream out at you. Some faithful people will be sex addicts. sex addicts - do not see themselves as cheating - they just desire more sex.
    Case in point - sure Woods knew what he was doing was wrong but the desire made it seem right bcuz ur pleasing yourself.
    gr8 post

  6. You're so right. You really hit the nail on the head with this post!
