Friday, October 30, 2009

Good Morning Afghanistan. Wake Up America

I am not a part of the military, marines, navy or coast guard. I don't have relatives in the armed services either. I am however, a US citizen that though I didn't support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, I still wanted to believe in our President George W. Bush and his administration to in fact find Osama Bin Laden. 8 years later however, we are finding ourselves in a different position. We are fighting in a war where it seems that there is no good answer. There is no A, B, C, D or E All of the above. This has to be extremely thought out and all the while Americans are weary and losing support for being in war. While I'm no expert in war strategy and I sure wasn't in 2002 when the country entered Iraq and Afghanistan it sure did feel rushed. It felt like a knee jerk reaction to the events of September 11Th, 2001. Well we are in the war, at the time the country favoured going in with the goal of righting the wrongs of what happened that day, getting even and bringing terrorists to justice.

Today is Friday, October 30, 2009 and Bin-Laden has yet to be found. Our military have semi-occupied two Muslim nations with very little resolve in bringing down the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. Most Americans like me are saying "Show me the Bin-Laden". It is fair to point out that in Summer of 2008, roughly 43% of Americans couldn't identify Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan nor Pakistan on a world map and that's just the few that supported our twin wars.

The point I am making is this, The U.S. troops are in a corrupt country (Afghanistan), fighting against another corrupt government (Pakistan) where if the U.S. stay in Afghanistan they are seen as "occupying" and if the U.S. leave it is free lunch for all of Al-Qaeda to come back into Afghanistan and seek a reign of bloody terror onto any civilians that aligned themselves with Americans in exchange for aide. The U.S. has also tried to buy the support of the Afghan people by building schools particularly for the young women of Afghanistan. If the U.S. leave then all that needs to happen is for the schools to be blown up, with children inside to keep especially young women from receiving an education.

I find it deeply sickening that it appears we are the only ones willing to fight this war. We can not prop ourselves up as a nation of peace when we are in two wars with a developing host spot occurring between Israel and Iran, in which we better stay out of that one. We are losing so more money on this war daily while nations like China and Japan invest in their future and stability. This country can not continue on this road and expect to be the leader of the free world. I may be the only one thinking this but it makes plenty of sense. More jobs are leaving overseas than coming in, the economy is weakened followed by a choke hold of a Health Care system. The United States is no longer a productive nation. It doesn't seem right to go for broke on this bad gamble, let's gamble is our own future and prosperity for our children.

Our military troops, Men and Women, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Nieces and Nephews have spent more years in Afghanistan than the Russians. We lose more and more of our troops daily and General Stanley A. McChrystal says we need more troops. The reason there was an outrage for the Vietnam War was not because our country was simply at war, it was because the American people were losing. The people as Sarah Palin likes to quote "that makes this nation so great...real America" were losing their husbands, sons, nephews and brothers. There was this idea that if you drove past a bus stop with a school of children waiting for the bus that some time in the future, our country would be sending them into the same war that our family members fought. We can't allow that. Our President can't be willing to support. Sadly, however it's not as simple as I am for it, I am against it. I was not for nor against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars but instead I was in support of finding the people responsible for killing over 3,000 people and taking down the two buildings that especially in this economy will never be rebuilt again. I am more in support of bringing our troops home and ending this war responsibly, that is the real and human way to win this war. For our people, for the American people.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mariah Then & Now

Mariah has redone a few of her memorable photographic moments in music. The first being her memorable "Vision Of Love" photo and the second being her revealing Butterfly album cover. I still say her "Rainbow" album cover was her best. She was in the best shape of her life on that album.





Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bros Over Hoes?

Not so much buddy. Over the years among women it's been known as the "Girlfriend" rule and among guys it's known as "Bros over Hoes". What if your friend is the resident town whore. My grandmother always used to say, Pick your friends absolutely carefully because you my find yourself in precocious situations that won't be easy to get around. If you are friends with the guy that has to date all the cute guys or has to fuck all the cute boys in the city, it can make dating a bit harder. Many people will say, well in a city where there are infinite amount of boys to date, why go after your friends former date, lover, partner. Well, what if they actually do click. What if there is a connection there, that is different from the connection that you had with the person. One can't fault the friend or the lover for what is bound to be inevitable. People are allowed to run into each other, things tend to happen. There is only so much you as the friend is allowed to control especially when you personally have moved to something far better. If the past relationship, mattered so much how come you are no longer with that person.

This season of Desperate Housewives is examining that very idea of the "Girlfriend" rule. Bree (brilliantly played by Marcia Cross) is currently having an affair with her best friend (Susan Delfino played by Teri Hatcher) ex-husband, Karl. In this situation I sympathize with both Bree for falling for Karl but I am on Susans side on this only because Karl cheated of Susan multiple times and seeing him with other women particularly women that looked nothing like her brings back ugly memories of what those affairs did to her. Even though Susan is happily married to Tom Delfino, does she have a say if any of friends can date or have sex with her past partners.

I always viewed the "Girlfriend" rule as a way of restricting who your friends can see, just in case you happen to have a lonely night you can have the option to call one (or more) over for a late night cream. I personally don't buy it. I think it can get downright selfish in the event that you're friends with the town harlot. With the devastating and sometimes appalling popularity of online dating/sex sites, it has further closed in the gay community and has also find it's way into the heterosexual community as well. Everyone now knows a piece of everyone. It is unavoidable.

I have two scenarios and I'll try to make it short. Last year, I said goodbye to a dead-end friendship. It was a friendship were I was growing but the other person was stagnant and not really moving towards something. You can almost say we were both holding each other back. I found independence and they found self-confidence in the days after our friendship dissolved. What made the friendship dissolve was I got tired of being loyal to a friend that dated every good looking guy in the city of New York and Jersey City. I got tired of introducing them to him and seeing the familiarity and old "sparks" being rekindled. Later on, his friendship with his other friends also dissolved for that same reason.

In the second scenario. An ex-date of one of my best friend contacted me and explained how burned he was to find out that my friend jumped into a relationship after two weeks of knowing the guy. No courtesy, no "well I'm seeing this person and...", they found through pictures on facebook. Ladies and gentlemen, I've said it before putting too much on Facebook/Twitter can ruin you! Through consoling him, he explained that a friend of his wants to date him. Now they are very close to violating that "Girlfriend" aka "Bros over Hoes" rule. He did exactly what I mentioned early, he asked the new guy "How important is your friendship with him". Already by the answers, he knew that it would be an uncomfortable situation. However, that attraction is not going away anytime soon. It's actually been there for some time and they continue to dance around this attraction to each other. They both recognize it's only a matter of time before is before one is riding the others dick with disregard to my friend. My name is Bennett and I refuse to be in it. I have unconventional ways of thinking around many sensitive issues, as you see.

I tell people to evaluate how important this friendship is to them. Is it that important to explore love in such a fashion? If the answer is yes, you must be prepared to say goodbye to that friendship however, if the dating or relationship goes sour you have also left yourself completely "assed-out" of a shoulder to lean on. If you decide not to move forward with dating the past date, jumpoff, lover of your friend, you are stuck with that friend and you may have to explore other means of meeting people in which you will not continue to run into former lovers, boyfriends, dates, jumpoffs of your best friend.

If you are a harlot and you are reading this you also have to understand the climate in which we live in. If you have had sex with one person, you have in fact had sex with ten people, therefore you have closed the degrees of separation in an already minority community. So your friends hooking up with your past dates, lovers, jumpoffs is damn near inevitable and you might just have to suck it up for the sake of your friends happiness.

Where do you stand on this issue? Please leave me your comments, I love those.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beyonce: Modern Gay Icon vs. "Ican't"

gay icon: noun (plural gay icons)
A celebrity who is much admired by gay men and/or lesbians.

Description: Modern gay icons, who are predominantly female entertainers, typically garner a large following within LGBT communities over the course of their careers. The majority of gay icons fall into one of two categories: the tragic, sometimes suicidal figure or the prominent pop culture idol.

Some past and mostly infamous gay icons have included women of very strong or sometimes overbearing and dramatic demeanour such as Judy Garland, Bette Davis, Lucille Ball, Cher, Madonna and Cyndi Lauper. When the subject of modern gay icons in the African-American community today the finger is continuously pointed at Beyonce Knowles, former member of Destinys Child. She is able to be the definition a performer. She sings, she dances and she performs. While I don't take away from her ability to be an excellent performer. I personally think that her gay icon status should be in probation if not revoked.

In the days where mainly Caucasian homosexual Americans discovered their gay icon, the battle in that period was identity which put the big gay spotlight on people like Judy Garland in which her daughter Liza Minelli inherited her huge fan base and Bette Davis for her androgynous appearance on film. The battle then shifted to the fight against HIV/AIDS in which Madonna became the fiercest of advocates.

Today we are fighting a completely different battle in all communities regardless of race, income and status and that is gay marriage and equal rights. While we have the normal icons out showing their support 100% We also gained a few one notably being Charlize Theron who announced on ABC The View quote "...I have very close gay friends that really want to get married and can't and I wouldn't feel right getting married right now knowing that they can't. It's just not fair".

My question really is where are our African-American heterosexual female entertainers when we are fighting this war on equal rights and gay marriage. The question I should be asking is "Are we smart enough to really give a damn"? Since I personally do not go to New York City clubs anymore. I took this question to many social gatherings throughout the the city asking folks what does it mean to have Equal Rights? Many of the answers that I received were extremely blazay. I was even more disappointed when I saw that the attention from the conversation diverted to either sex or who the cute boy across the room was. When the Beyonce Knowles came up as Single Ladies was playing in the background, I asked "Do you think Beyonce loves her gay fans?" and one lovely queen, I'll never forget his/her answer "...of course she does honey we buy her albums, we support her, we live for her" I through to myself 'that's not what I asked you'. I tried again by asking the same question but in a more direct way "How come Beyonce hasn't spoken out about gay issues that affect our community, particularly black community?" and the answer I was given by quite a few were "Beyonce's job is to entertain me not educate me" I was actually blown away by this being that "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" is teaching MEN to put a ring on their WOMEN'S finger, not women put a ring on their women's finger or men put a ring on their men's finger. Need I need remind people that Gay Marriage is still not legal in all 50 states and "domestic partnership" comes with tons of compromises.

I am willing to give Beyonce the benefit of the doubt by saying possibly, just possibly, she is a product of being a Type A African-American female. Most African-American women have not so much gay friends but they have people that they know are gay and are cool with but won't necessarily hang out with them on any given weekend. I can give her the benefit of the doubt by saying maybe she doesn't feel comfortable talking about LGBT issues not only to her predominately African-American gay fan base but her gay fan base in general. Like her contemporaries such as Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson and Madonna, their gay fan base isn't a color however, it sure would feel nice if there was a female figure in the R&B community that would stick up for the gays.

I could also easily point to the fact that she is married to the ideal modern day über-masculine African-American male and though Jay-Z has in the past been very verbal with his use of the world fag in his lyrics, he has not verbally showed any deliberate hatred towards the LGBT community, unlike his contemporary Busta Rhymes. The incident I speak about is an incident a couple of years ago on Miami Beach where a crowd rushed Busta who's legal name is Trevor Tahiem Smith, Jr. to get his autograph. One member of that crowd was an visibly and openly gay male who praised Busta Rhymes work as an artist. Busta became very belligerent and attacked the man while uttering "Don't touch me you faggot". It doesn't make big news because well this is common and we accept it.

I guess the last argument in her defense I can give her is that, maybe she didn't ask to be a gay icon and maybe she doesn't want that title. If she doesn't does that mean she is obliged to give the gays back their money for the albums they bought and the concert that they went to? Please, where in who's fantasy world would that happen? While she may not have asked for the title of gay icon, she sure is doing everything in her power to milk it for everything it's worth and more.

The gays, particularly the men have given Beyonce great choreography. The gay community gave Beyonce a strong fan base that will potentially never go away. The gays have even fought on her behalf in the face of fans of other female contemporaries. I haven't seen that love being reciprocated and therefore, I am absolutely convinced that we as gay men are invisible to her.

In the light of Equality for the LGBT community, when it comes to Gay Marriage, when it comes to workplace discrimination very far and few in between men and women of color are taking the stand for us. It's one thing to have a gay icon who's gay speak up. In the media, it looks biased and damn near a given that a gay person will speak up for members of the LGBT community. However, a heterosexual either male or female speaking up well, that speaks absolute volumes. It's like a lions roar in a room full of nerds playing chess. It's loud, it's crystal clear and it shows people hey, I'm listening and I'm watching and I got their backs.

I am definitely not saying that her showing her absolutely vocal support for the LGBT community would change legislative and reverse laws regarding people like myself and my friends however, I don't think it's right that "we" support people that will use us and milk us for everything it's worth and not give a little back. Personally, even if she did a small commercial like she did for World Hunger, I think I could appreciate her a little more however, she's an icon that won't therefore she's what I call an "Icant".

In a time when Lady Gaga is participating in marches an protests in Washington D.C., in an time when Mariah Carey allows a gay man to open love his partner by proposing to him on her stage, Now is the time to be that African-American heterosexual female gay icon. Now is not the time to be an "Icant".

I want people to think about this in closing, when you are buying that next album, downloading that next single on itunes, when you are looking to dip into your savings account for the good seats at Madison Square Garden. Ask yourself, besides making you feel good, what has she done on behalf of you? What has she done on behalf of your lover? What has she done on behalf of your friend, colleague, associate that died due to complications of HIV/AIDS? What has she done on behalf of your right to live in The United States of America as a man, woman, transgendered male/transgendered female or bisexual male/female, to have the ability to be protected by law against brutality and discrimination. Think about this also when she is laying in bed naked with Shawn Carter while you can't legally be seen by the Justice of the Peace in your own city as a gay couple because it's illegal. Just think about it, Is she an icon or an "Icant"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

10 Songs I Couldn't Stop Listening To 10 Years Ago

1. Nothing Really Matters - Madonna
2. All That I Can Say - Mary J. Blige featuring Lauryn Hill
3. Smooth - Santana featuring Rob Thomas
4. No Scrubs - TLC
5. It's Not Right But It's Okay - Whitney Houston
6. You Know What's Up - Donnell Jones featuring Left Eye
7. I Hate You So Much - Kelis
8. Hot Spot - Foxy Brown
9. Let Me Let You Know - Pink
10. Heartbreaker - Mariah Carey featuring Jay Z

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Indirect Feedback & Tweets

My time on Twitter is spent communicating with individuals and characters all across the country. I like seeing what people have to say and where their views are. I got into blogging because I did not think that Twitter was always the appropriate place to express views. I decided to create my blogspot to really get my views out there and see what I can learn from other people. If you are a buddy of mine on Yahoo or AIM and if you follow me on Twitter and Blogspot, I look for feedback, even if it is about my punctuality. Most of the time, I am so busy trying to get my thoughts out that I am so happy to get it out of my head, I forget to proofread and that I hold my accountable for. When a person makes indirect comments towards me specifically on Twitter knowing that I follow them, one should expect me to be annoyed. If you are more than willing to talk provocative to me on my Twitter DMs or on Yahoo, instead of making shady comments why wouldn't you be able to address me like the grown person you are. The problem is not every single person is grown. There are still people who are in their mid 20's and even 30's that are still stuck in a high school way of dealing with people. I urge you that though my writing may not be that of a scholar but I do seek professional feedback all the time. It is my opinion that if you can talk naughty to me in private then you should be able to talk to me in a more formal manner as well. If there is a problem with that simply let me know, it is absolutely no shade at all.

Thank you.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Bed I Made (Part III)

It was a Saturday night, Robbie and I had just came in from a media industry party completely drunk. We came home on a limo that was rented by his company. The industry party was actually the afterparty to the Media Emmys that year. Robbie did not win any of the awards he was nominated for and I was a guest of another CNN political analyst. I got a chance to meet some of my favourite news reporters Larry King, Anderson Cooper both of CNN and a few others. I remember that day also meet T.J. Holmes and he gave me some great advice that night on how to stay alive in the news organization. Robbie and I had been seeing each other casually for several months now but something about this night we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We would catch feels as the night went on and find ways to escape the crowds to catch a quick kiss, its amazing we didn't get caught by one of our colleagues.

He wore Burberry Classic and I wore Armani Code. He wore a classic black tux, I wore a classic snow white tux outfit without a blazer but with a matching white vest just to be different and stand out. You would think we were coming in from our wedding day but we were just ecstatic to be in each others presence lusting in each others arms, kissing, hugging and touching. One by one peices of our clothing came off until there was just him and I left in our bare nakedness. Robbie picked me from the back of my thighs and my body easily just reciprocated by wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms wrapped around his shoulders and his lips kissing and stroking my neck. He carried me over to the bed where he began to make love to my body. My body wanted him, My body was thirsty for him. His body needed me. By this point, his clean cut 8.5 inch thick dick had already knew its around throw the grips of my tight ass. I laid at the edge of the bed with my legs spread eagle position to the side as he attempted to go in there was a bit of a fight. So he pulled and decided to taste me, lick me, eat me, wet me though as if I was his tasty desert, this bringing moans out of my mouth, tears out of my eyes and sweat from my pores. I always love when he does that, I would open my eyes every now and then and look down just to see his face buried directly under my balls, my dick laying perfectly erect and flat against my abs. He got up from pleasuring the lips of my ass to now fuck the lips of my ass. Anytime I'm getting fucked by him, I never remember the entry being painful at all but more pleasureful for my soul. My toes always curl and my body always tenses and all it takes is a gently kiss from him on my body to make me loosen up. I never enjoyed being the bottom but for him, it came all too easy and oh so natural. He wrapped my legs around his waist, scooped me up once again and sat the two of us at the edge of the bed, this time with me riding his lap. He knew this was one of my favourite positions. My lips kissed his as if his lips were a drink of a water. Our bodies were lubricated with sweat. He pressed his hands on my shoulders and I began to grab at the middle of his back. The intensity quickly built as he bit my neck to try not to scream. I couldn't take the pressure building up in my body which was too, all I remember was I shot streams of cum all over his stomach which in that same second he bust as well. He collapsed on the bed and I went down with him, heavily breathing and at a loss for words. For quite a few minutes neither one of us said anything and were too lazy to get up and clean ourselves off. We eventually got up and showered later that night.

The next morning, I woke up with my face on his bare chest. I had an idea of what love is, but the months that we were together I began to ask myself "Am I finally in love"? I fell back asleep on to Robbie's lifeless body feeling blessed that he doesn't snore. We were both awaken by a gasp and a heavy duffle bag being dropped and the heartbroken face of Lynette Michelle Saunders, Roberts on again off again girlfriend.

"Sir this is the last stop" The female conductor said
"Last stop, World Trade Center, no passengers"
"Oh...I'm sorry thank you"
"Uh huh"

The female conductor was a friendly pale caucasian woman with fire red hair and freckles across her nose and cheeks.

"Baby you were in a zone!"
"You don't know the half of it" I replied
"Have a good one hun"
"You too"

Moments like those made me remember that yes indeed there are still good people left in all of New York City.

Later than afternoon, Darius met me in my Brooklyn Heights neighborhood for an early afternoon lunch and cocktails at one of our favourite places called One Front Street a few blocks away from my apartment. They have the best sangria ever. Darius was wearing a horizonatal black and white striped double breasted long cardigan and pair of skinny black jeans and black leather shoes that looks like he took a page out of British Mens Vogue. The minute I sat down, I received a text message from Robbie "Hey I'm so sorry about earlier. Lynette and I are getting a divorce and it hasn't been finalized. Please call me so I can explain better"

"Who was that? you look pissed and sounded pissed earlier" Darius said sipping on his red sangria
"That was Robbie" I said looking down
"Robbie from the other night, like knocking down walls Robbie?"
"He knocked your walls down, not mine boo"
"You had him first so technically he did knock your walls down...a few times"
"Don't do me bitch, keep in mind that he was mine first"
"It's not about who had him first gurr, it's about who made him bust last unless..."
"No Darius, we didn't have sex last night. We could've had sex this morning"
"But what happened?" Darius said.
"His ex wife shows up"

I looked away from Darius and out the window looking at the traffic going down into Cadman Plaza.
"Why did he get married to her?" Darius asked
"Because her catching us gave her leverage to force him into marrying her"
"Ewww but what woman would knowingly want a bisexual man"
"She doesn't want him at least not like she used to, she wants his earnings. He is the highest paid sportscaster in the industry. How much are you willing to bet that they don't even have a pre-nup. He told me he was going to break up with her that last night he messed, then she walked in and it was all over. She threatened to take down my career as well"
"Man that sucks. I wish there was something I can do Marlon"
"I wish there was something I can do"
"Well, you can start by cutting off Robbie again, he's no good for you right now"
"I know"

After Darius and I finished our full pitcher of sangria. I decided to run home to shower and change. I thought maybe it was time for a spa day for myself. I thought a facial, manicure, pedicure and a massage would really help me think about what I need to do next. I went to my building on Columbia in the Brooklyn Heights section to find something comfortable to wear and I figured since it was a nice day, I should keep it simple. Some nice basic dark denim jeans and a basic black button down and some Alexander McQuen puma sneakers. I figured if I'm going to get this pretty, I might something to get into later on in the evening.

I took the A train from High Street to Times Square where I walked a few blocks to the 44th street and Broadway intersection at the M spa. I ordered the "Face & Body" package. Like your typical high end spa, it was empty. In this economy, you don't even see your usual Stepford wife roll in. I began reading a People magazine while sitting in a comfortable plush chair made out of what I want to say is fur and a familiar female figure wearing all black and wearing Dolce & Gabbana shades, rocking a short hair do and peep toe Loubotins. It was Lynette.

"We have to stop running into each other like this" Lynette said
"I'm convinced you're following me" I said with an even face stare
"Oh don't flatter yourself"
"I don't need to flatter myself, that's already been taken care of"
"How dare you"
"How dare I what, Lynette? How dare I fall in love with a man that you were in love with who in return didn't love you who in fact used you as a media prop? How dare I begin seeing a man that fell for me and not fell for you because he was too busy digging into me? How dare I try to stand by the man that I love while he gets blackmailed by a woman that he totally dispises who doesn't even love herself enough to find a man that is properly suited for her but instead is so busy trying to have something that was never hers in the first place. Yes Lynette, how dare I."

An asian female esthetician dressed in all white came from the back to greet me
"Mister Fisher, your spa bed is ready" she said with a beautiful bright white smile.

The next day in the late afternoon in my usual work attire of a blazer, white button down, yellow Sean John tie and black slacks and black leather shoes, I went to G Lounge in Chelsea to have more than I can handle drinks and threw myself into a cab back to my apartment in Brooklyn Heights. I walk into the lobby of my building, I am startled by a familiar voice calling my name. It was Robbie. Robbie was wearing a thin black leather jacket, a plain white T shirt, dark denim jeans and some white nike uptowns.

"Hey" he said in a low voice

I turn around and press the button to the elevator to reach my top floor

"So you're not talking to me now"
"You have two options, we can either talk about this upstairs or we can talk about this never because I don't feel comfortable talking about this in the lobby"
"Ok I can handle that"

I have to admit, I was definetely giving Robbie attitude. I was just just annoyed by the idea of having to go through the same situation with Robbie and Lynette all over again, years later after the first time it happened. We barely said anything to each other the whole elevator ride up. Nothing was said when I turned the key to my door to walk into the apartment. We walked in and instead of walking to the living room, he sat on a stool that is situated at the bar next to the kitchen.

"You want anything to drink" I asked Robbie
"No thanks"
"So what do you want to talk about Robbie?"
"Well I'm going to get to the point Marlon. Lynette signed the divorce papers finally"

He pulled an envelope out of his jacket and rested it on the bar. I was quite suprised by this bit of news, given how hard Lynette worked to trap him and how much Robbie used her to cover up his own homosexuality.

"She said she won't blow my cover"
"And you believe her"
"She said after speaking with you and then speaking with Darius & Maurice"
"Wait...Darius and Maurice? what do they have to do with anything?"
"Wait, Darius didn't tell you?"
"I spoke to Darius yesterday for lunch and how does Maurice fit into this"
"Well I guess it's appropriate to tell you that Maurice is my nephew. I've let Maurice stay with me while he finds work in the states because he wants to move here from The Bahamas. Him and Lynette had something going on."
"How do you know this?"

I began to pour myself a glass of Moscato I had chilling at the bottom of the refrigerator.

"Maurice has a video of them on her phone" Robbie said "And not that I care but Maurice had been hiding this from me for quite some time. He was scared to say anything but was not aware of the circumstances on how Lynette and I got married. Him and Darius began talking to each other shortly after the foursome, I guess they're trying to see whats up with each other and Maurice told him about the video and Maurice threatened to upload the video on xtube and distribute it if she even thought about leaking any photographs of you and I"

"Wow" I said sipping on my drink
"Yeah wow"
"So what now?"
"I don't know homie, you tell me. You and me, is now in your hands"

Go Away Gold Digger

We all know them, we all see them, We all hear them and some of us have friends that are them. I am talking about the infamous Gold Digger. Let's be clear on this, Gold Diggers can be either male or female. They are still either or problematic. They seek out the attention of someone who they think can make their lives a lot more comfortable. Gold Diggers look to gain a night out on the town at expensive restuarants, rides in fancy cars, expensive clothing and jewelry and it has very little do with your looks, trust me. When you don't spot a Gold Digger in time, you usually walk around feeling like you should be walking around with a dunce cap on.

I had a friend who drove a nice car, went to school and made great money as a medical professional but had an extremely hard time meeting nice guys and I have to give a great deal of credit, he constantly put himself out there, he refused to get knocked by New York City's dating scene but he did get his fair share of bad apples in the Big (sometimes rotten) apple. I gave him some good sound advice that he waited eons to take but it eventually found him a good solid boyfriend for a year and some change.

My advice to him was to leave the car home and take the train to the date. So arrogant and so pigheaded, he on many occassions refused to listen. I would always ask how did his dates go and he would reply that they were really nice and they had a great time. He rarely told me that he had a good time, which signals to me, the date sucked. Well, it couldn't suck that bad he got some good butt out of it each time and the term "good butt" is subjective these days (right?). Furthermore, I couldn't understand why he would pay for the date. I understand the notion of being a good date and being a gentleman but putting your all into something that only gave you two nights of your time isn't going to secure SQUAT! You have to level out the playing field otherwise you will continue to remain duped.

So he finally left the car in the garage and met a date via train, they decided to go someplace a little less chic but wasn't low budget and something developed from there. Something happened in that situation. What happened was he met someone that saw him for who he was first and not what he had. It was until later that my friends date learned that he had a car and had a pretty good job. I asked him how did he react to learned that he drove the kind of caar that he drove and he said he was very nonchalant about it.

A Gold Digger in the situations above would have requested a pricey place to eat and when seeing the car would have made comments about either the condition of the car or the type of car it is. One thing about Gold Diggers is that they make it known what they want and what they are after.

So hopefully you're following, leave the car at home if you live in a city with mass transit or park the car somewhere in the area and and act as if you took mass transit. Also you be the one to recommend where to eat, if can mid-range price but have a nice atmosphere. If they don't like the joint because it's not fancy enough. They'll let you know and thats the end of that date.

Summer time is the best time to scout out a gold diggin hoe. The weather is much nicer so it allows alot more outdoor fun and of course, everyone loves to wear less clothing. If you are concerned with not putting too much cash into the dating experience of someone who may be just in it for what you got. Do simpler things, first of all New York City has Central Park, Atlanta has Piedmont Park, Chicago has Grant Park, Miami has South Beach and so on. The point is do a picnic, it's romantic it's within a certain budget and you also get alone. Gold Diggers look at this as not "fancy" enough so they get bored and move on to the next sponsor. Also try walks in the park or along the riverfront during the sunset. A genuine person sees this as romantic, Gold Diggers look at this as a big waste of time.

Finally Winter time comes around and it's a bit cold outside. Offer to cook. There is nothing more cool than someone who is willing to whip up complemented by a sexy glass of red wine. It's again affordable yet it says "I'm interested".

Theres are just small tidbits that discourage gold diggin ass hoes from coming into your life and trying to fuck up shit.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and please comment, you know I love those.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Legally Superficially Gay?

Is the recession an excuse used by people who don't have to use as their pity story or is the recession used as an excuse for some to look down on those down on their luck. Unfortunately, it's a little bit of both. Anyone with eyes and ears know that there is nothing more brutal than being a gay minority anywhere, well try being a single gay minority in a large city with 14% unemployment while the national average is only 9.8%. Any amount of persons looking for work that is subjected to unemployment is way too many people.

After I became unemployed several days after my birthday, I already knew what my plan was going to be and that was go back to school and sharpen my craft in the field. This move would eventually push me from making $25,000 to close to $47,000 and yes these are actual numbers. It's amazing what a little bit of education can do for a brother in this economy. Just because I had the luxury of going back to school and I had a decent sized savings account doesn't mean that I was "Scott Free". I had to learn how to be conservative with my money and make some lifestyle changes that would affect my relationships with other people. At one point I use to want to be a part of "The Joneses", however my grandmother at Age 74 with a fistful of wisdom told me "Never be concerned with the Joneses and don't allow yourself to want to be The Joneses" ya hear that NeNe Leakes? Her explanation was that "The Joneses" are some of the fakest people around and they wish you no good. "The Joneses" are the people that keep the pot stirring with a small spoon which essentially mean that they have nothing to bring flavour to the recipe but want to find their way there anyway.

As school came to a close, I noticed my savings account started getting lower and lower. I hid alot of this from my friends and family because I really did want to encourage people if they could go back to school however what I didn't want to do was scare anybody from going to school by having them see that I was kinda struggling. I remember everyone being so supportive of me getting my certification and it was first time back in school since 2002. What I didn't realize is that my financial downfall may lead to the subject of scrutiny.

Through a conversation I had on twitter with three employed men of color. There was a comment of "I am tired of people using the recession as an excuse" after a comment was made about wanting a man with a car, a house, a fat bank account. You sorta wonder with people continuing to lose their jobs and homes daily do you also want a golden parachute as well? For those people who have that, it is truly a blessing but not many people have that because they mismanaged their funds continuously as the "financial party" continued throughout most of Former President Bush 43 presidency. There was a comment also made that "The recession only affects bankers and people that were irresponsible with their money". This is also untrue. While I can't speak for the home owners who bought homes that they feel they were "tricked into believing they can afford the CNN coined term "McMansions", I can speak for the people that played by the rules and were conservative with their funds when they knew they couldn't play with the big boys that No one should pay for someone elses irresponsibility. The financial meltdown that occurred nearly 8 weeks before we elected President Barack Obama spiraled into all industries as government, media and medical jobs continued to grow.

I began to dive deeper and find out what does this mean for an average guy who though may not have the car, the fancy house and the fat bank account. Does this make it right for people do have stability to discriminate against me? While I say that it does happen because I do know writing about this, I will definetely be the subject of scrutiny by "shady queens" who revel in other peoples misfortunes. I think it spotlights the superficial behaviour that has always underlined the gay community, particularly the minority community.

We have become a culture that instead of saving which we have been famously known for and been the envy of other communities, we have become big spenders like our heterosexual counterparts. Everyone want to pop bottles, drive fancy cars and live in apartments however living in apartment that don't even at least Baking Soda in the fridge. That has become the New York City gay way of living. Everything is a show.

With that being said What about whats going on inside of a persons mind as opposed to what is going on inside of a persons wallet? A person who is looking for what a person has is no different that than the Gold Digger that scouts out rich or well off men and women to help make themselves feel a bit more stable. Those two individuals whether employed or not employed are both reaching for the same goals, it's how they get there that makes the difference.

I made this point and I stand by this point, that anyone who is currently employed need to count their blessing because anyone is vulnerable and subject to being extremely humbled by not being able to find work and maintain a particular lifestyle. As I've learned throughout this year, friends see money friends stay but if friends see money go, they go and they go in the other direction, nowhere to be found when you really need them. In saying this I was not looking for pity by anyone because I know the meaning of earning a dollar instead of making a dollar, there is a difference. I also didn't want anyone to give me a hand out because I don't take hand outs. My grandmother worked all the way into her 60's to provide a better retirement account for herself and every day that she could get up and put her feet on the ground and take the A train from her Broadway Junction train station to Far Rockaway and then take the Q22 bus out to Laurelton, Long Island to a job that she worked 6 days a week taught me the meaning of hard work. However, the opportunist and the person that is a little down on their luck are not the same two people.

I understand the point of being weary of superficial men and even women out there that is more concerned with your pockets more so than getting to know who you are and possibly building something that is true and genuine however, fighting fire with fire by becoming that same person just with a better job doesn't quite keep those people away from you either, it makes them superficial but it lowers you by making you look shallow, another stereotype that plagues our community. It's a round and round circle that keeps us from getting to know each other becuase you have a part of the population that has their guard up now and a part of the population seeking friendship, love or afection for right reasons that are getting shafter because of that small part of the population that are up to absolutely no good.

I do know that the job that I will be starting in the next few days, I will be making good money and eventually I will want to get back into the dating scene, not so much the gay party scene because nothing good comes out of that. However, the thought of being looked at based on my income and not on my personality, not on what I can bring to the relationship kinda worries me slightly because I never minded treating, as a matter of fact, I felt myself to be a bit too generous when it came to treating and tipping the waiter (unless they sucked). I want to be looked at for the person that can make you laugh, make you feel good and make you special minus the pricetag on my forehead. I hope this is not what our community becomes in the long run. There are too many very good, quality, attractive men out there for us to simplify ourselves by categorizing incomes.

I do intend on furthering this discussion by showing ways of being able to spot a gold digger who doesn't have much from a genuine person.

In conclusion, I got word Wednesday that I start work on October 23, 2009 and I will be station in Valley Stream, Long Island which is a bit far however there are certain sacrifices a brother is going to have to make in order to be and also remain employed.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and please comment, I like it when people do that *smile*

Social Cleansing

As much as we make fun of Tyler Perry's Madea role. Madea has on many occassions recited a quote that I used to hear my maternal grandmother say all the time, "Some people come into your life for a lifetime and some for a season". In the new era of Facebook, Twitter and Myspace and even some iPhone applications like Loopt and Blackberry applications like Ping, we are allowed to hold on to people and hold on to things that can potentially hold us back from meeting new and exciting people and experience adventurous things. I will say even though we are able to keep track of all of our "friends", we have not found a great way to keep track of 1) our friends birthdays 2) our friends favourite things 3) Important dates like anniversaries.

Friendship though some are long lasting and others aren't so much, I notice come in rotations in most peoples lives, depending on how social you are. It normally happens at the beginning of each summer and you now have a "cut-up buddy" That person that you hit the streets with, meet their friends and they meet yours and you instantly clique. For girls, you wear each others clothing or borrow each others jewelry. For the guys, we'll get each others tabs or go dutch on certain things likes car rentals and such. Then all of the sudden August and September comes around and things begin to thaw out. You all of the sudden don't hear from that person as frequently. The seasons change and who you hang out with also change. If the frienship you had with that person was something impacted your life, you may feel a bit strong about how come the two of you do not hang out as much. Then comes November and December before Christmas (not implying anything) and you hear from them very little unless you bump into them in the street somewhere. In any essence, that was an associate as my grandmother would say. In my grandmothers days she would have ripped out that persons number out of her phonebook and threw it in the garbage. My grandmother is 74, she has a cellphone but keeps a phonebook. The people that are in her cellphone are her neighbours, the fire department, the precint, Wayside Baptist Church members and her family. When odd numbers pop up, it goes to voicemail.

I have gone through several of what I call God's "social cleansing" out of my life. If they weren't meant to be there for long they would show it in their own actions. By not attempting to reach out. Because we have applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Ping, Loopt, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, AIM and so on. Two-way street reaching out has become much easier. If they log on and haven't spoken, let it slide. If you speak to them first and the answers are short are non responsive, then maybe you should re-evaluate what that person is there for. Maybe that person is only good for a good laugh or a kiki when you see them at the bar or the club. There is nothing wrong with that. But in terms of someone to confide in when things are tough and you need someone to talk to, you might want to dig a little deeper. Talk to your family if you can, talk to people that have been with you through thick and thin but also talk to Jesus. If you just give Jesus a little bit of time throughout the day even if it's just to say Thank you Lord, he will see the wrong and he will do what he needs to do to fix it. Jesus can be your best friend when nobody will pick up the phone. He can be your best friend when you don't have a phone to pick up, his spiritual line is always open and I am a true witness to that.

There are different types of social cleansing you can do on your own and there are certain cleansing mechanisms that God does to help you out just a little. Here are some things you can do to kindly and politely make your phonebook and friends list a bit lighter. Start sorting out what you use social networks for and if you have people that don't really speak alot you may want to delete them, reason being quite frankly because they may be there just to be nosy and see what you're doing and what pictures you are uploading. In terms of your phone look through your phone and ask yourself when's the last time you spoke to this person and that person, If you have think a bit too hard then press Delete and keep moving. This is not a blog to be shady about this situation, you have to know when it's time to lighten your load and do right by you because if you don't and God has a plan for you and you do not adhere to that plan, he will put you in a predicament where you have no other choice but to accept them out of your lives, like isolating you from being where they will be or even personally taking a hand in life itself and removing them so you can get to where you need to be. There is no reason why you are doing right and your "friend" isn't and you choose to be their friend anyway meanwhile you are holding yourself back, absolutely not that is not what your life should be about. You need to recognize the game before the game recognizes you and wipes you out.

Being the social person that I am, I have accepted this rotation that people come into my life however not every person that smiles in your face wishes you well and not every single person is meant to be around next year. Friends are like fashion sometimes "One minute you're in, the next minute you're out" and what may look good this year should not be worn next year. It happens, so what you need to concentrate on are those timeless peices that you wouldn't trade for the world.

God Bless and I hope you enjoyed my blog, Please leave comments :) I like those.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Don't Be Scared of The Uncut Dick (Throw Lips To It...Handle It)

It's so funny when you have a penis and you accept yours for what it is and accept how it look. American culture at one point made it absolutely imperative that men get circumsized or what we slang term call "cut". Today, it's now an option and many parents are even choosing not to have their sons circumsized because of small studies shown that in fact that infant does feel pain, again I repeat, small studies.

It used to be only men of either underdeveloped countries or of Carribean or Latin-American backgrounds were uncut but now we are finding alot more American men of all different backgrounds that are not circumsized and therefore comes the question of. What do I do when I come across an uncut penis? Well first don't scream, point, cry or run. That's just ignorant, funny but ignorant. However, don't freak out. Yes he has a bit of extra skin, that skin thats protecting the head of his penis in fact is making the head of his penis sensitive. You may have seen some porn videos where the head is in fact pink or a bright red. I'm not sure if that indicates how sensitive the penis is but don't worry you didn't do anything to do it or injure it, it's indeed natural.

If you aren't afraid here is some quick, simple easy how to tricks to make his toes really curl and make the Head Bitch In Charge, literally It's simple.

1. Tuck your lips around the head of the penis STOP
2. With the suction of the back of your throat pull the foreskin forward STOP
3. Use that same suction to pull the foreskin back down STOP
4. Use your tongue and circle the head Repeat

(In the event you bring the head back up, here's what they don't expect)

5. While the foreskin is covering the head, Use your tongue and circle around the head. While doing this you are pleasure the inner foreskin and the head of the penis.
6. When all fails deepthoat BITCH! (WERK!)
7. Focus on the head, thats the major sensitive point for 9/10 uncut guys.

That's all folks. I hope this was useful.

The Bed I Made (Part II of III)

I felt a bit blazay after the foursome that occurred between Darius, Maurice, Robbie and myself. I find myself in these situations all the time. I really want to have someone to myself. Someone that I don't have to sneak behind peoples backs, lie or deceive. I want someone that is not attached or burned from a previous. Someone who is ready for me. Until I find that person, there is always this single life of mine. I sat on the balcony of my Brooklyn Heights building overlooking the lower Manhattan skyline in nothing but my plush white bathrobe that Darius bought me years ago as a housewarming present sipping on red wine from Portugal. I heard my iphone on the coffee table in my living vibrating next to my blackberry which I had been ignoring all day. I decided to get up and look at the phone. It was Robbie leaving me a voicemail on my iPhone. I was excited because Robbie though not my first experience was the first guy I fell in love with and the first guy to make me feel like I was everything. I just wish things between us were, well different.

I dialed Robbie back to find out what he was doing. I received a ring back at first of "Does He Do It" by Trey Songz. I heard the usual commotion that is normal with media, he sounded really busy. "Hey babe, whats good I'm really busy so I'm about to make this quick. Do you want to come over tonight. Just me and you and some TV, red wine?" I replied with a slight giggle "Since when did I become babe?", "You became babe when I realized I couldn't stop thinking about you so stop being a prude and get sexy butt over here to my place" he said with that Robbie boom of confidence. "Ok, Robbie what time?" I asked sighing "Be there by 9, I know you're favourite show comes on so I want to have you settled and comfortable, cool?" "Ok Robbie, I'll be there" "Good, see u tonight" and he hung up.

I was dressed pretty smart for a date that I was going on with someone so familiar. I had a nice dark blue denim pair of jeans, a button up v neck grey sweater and a checkered button down with a black blazer and black martini glass print Stubbs & Wooten loafers. I was looking really nerdy but I remember when Robbie and I dated years ago, he used to make fun of me for dressing like a preppy yuppie but he also liked it because I was so comfortable in myself.

I walked through the lobby and took the elevator to his floor again. I knocked on his door and he opened the door quickly "Come on in" he said. with two glasses in his hand. I noticed a there was a bottle of wine sitting on the coffee table and he had my favourite show Family Guy playing. "Wine and Family Guy huh" I said with a smile to my face that went ear from ear, I took my black blazer off and put it on an adjacent loveseat and sat on the couch in front of the TV. It was an all new episode so I was extremely attentive, Robbie sat next to me and pour a glass halfway of red wine for me and place it in my hand. "I like hearing you laugh" he said. I looked at him with a warm smile. He know hows to talk a decent talk but I already knew that's just how he does.

I fell asleep on the couch in his arms and was awaken by a wet kiss on my forehead. It kinda made me smile. "Get up" he whispered. "I'm tired, can I just lay here"? "Ok" he whispered back. I was suprised by Robbie behaving himself, as badly as I wanted to have sex with him again, I really wanted to see where his mind was. Did he want me to come over for sex or did he want me to come over because he likes having me around? I'm starting to believe maybe he does like my company.

The next morning around 9am, I hear keys jingling in the front door and I was extremely started because it was a sound that I am not used to hearing. I first see a pair of very slender legs and a pair of size 9 Christian Loubotins. In my disgust and dismay it is the one person that I had never expected to see in my life again. Robbie's ex-wife Lynette Michelle. If Angela Bassett could have a bitter younger sister from Waiting To Exhale era this would be her, 5'6 with jet black hair going down her back, dark skinned like a jungle baby, dark brown piercing eyes and always wore black and never let red lipstick go out of style. The sight of this woman always bothered me. I've never been the type of person to blame anybody for anything in my life but I blame her taking my man away from me, I blamed her for the reason Robbie and I stopped talking and her presence made me realize why I stopped associating with Robbie in the first place.

"Well" Lynette said with a sarcastic sighed suprised "I see some things just don't change, it appears I walk in on you again except this time you have clothing on"

She walked through the apartment almost sashaying and caresses the adjacent love couch. "Two wine glasses?"

"ROBERT!" I yelled
"Oh god" she paused "you sound like me when I'm mad at him, kinda like when I was married to him"
"That's right you were married to Robert, what happened to that?"
"You happened"
"I happened before you happened to come along"
"I have things that you don't have"
"I have things that he doesn't want from YOU!" I said holding back every bit of anger

Robert walked out his bedroom with just his plain white boxers on showcasing a sexy bare shaven body.

"Lynette, you don't live here anymore if you are going to come, you need to call"
"Change you locks, I came here to get the rest of my things" She coldly responded
"Then call, I'll gladly send them to you"
"I'm leaving" I said
"No let me drive you home"
"I'm good...I'm good, I can take a cab, clearly you two have things to discuss"

I looked around for my blazer and made sure my cell phones were in there and looked back at Lynette and Robert in pure disgust at what I was seeing and walked out. As I pressed the button for the elevator, I could hear Robert and Lynette arguing. I don't see what they are arguing for. There is no children involved, no alimony involved. Clearly, they had to have had something going on between the time they divorced and now to still be in contact with each other. The elevator arrives and I knew that I had a long trip back to my Brooklyn Heights apartment to sort out what I wanted to do.

I reached the bottom floor and I picked up my iPhone and looked for Darius' number. Knowing that he was still in practice, it went straight to voicemail. "Darius, this is Marlon bitch, lunch at 2 I need an ear"

Shakira - She Wolf album review 4/5 stars

01. She Wolf 03:10
02. Did It Again 03:13
03. Long Time 02:56
04. Why Wait 03:43
05. Good Stuff 03:17
07. Men In This Town 03:35
07. Gypsy 03:18
08. Spy (feat. Wyclef Jean) 03:27
09. Mon Amour 04:06
10. Lo Hecho Está Hecho 03:13
11. Años Luz 03:42
12. Loba 03:09

The album starts with the late 70's brovado of the title track "She Wolf". The first thing I thought was afros and shorts that recall Chrissy in Three's Company. The beat produced by The Neptunes is very bouncy and catchy. What I loved is that her english has dramatically improved since her last English language debut. If you remember she took time off to do several spanish language albums and singles.

The second track is my favorite "Did It Again", it combines Shakira's rock style with The Neptunes cartoony beats and the hook will indeed put a smile on your face. I couldn't hear any of our popular artists singing this track with the exception of Lady Gaga. This track though a very basic pop track has alot of character and personality. The third track I have to say when I first heard it the first few times, I was slightly annoyed by what I call the pop version of reggae or as I call "pseudo-reggae" but I'll let it slide because Shakira as part Carribean influences in her native Colombia. This is track for the girls with hips.

"Why Wait" is a bit darker for The Neptunes style of producing, this track pays tribute to Shakira's Middle Eastern background. This actually should be the next single but I'm just predicting. This is definetely a song that even the hardcore boys shouldn't be ashamed to rock in their jeeps. This is the song Pussycat Dolls should be mad that didn't make their album.

So far, so good Neptunes!

The next track "Good Stuff" sounds a bit like "Hip's Don't Lie" version 2.0, you guessed it this was one of the tracks produced by Wyclef...ohhhh Wyclef originality much? It's still a good track, just a bit too familiar to one of her more recognizable English language hits.

Another one of my favourite tracks on this album "Men In This Town" mainly because of its lyrics. It's the albums most contemporary track in terms of sound. If you are over the faux 80's/90's pop sound. Then you can skip this track. "Gypsy" goes into a more country style of music which will take your ears by surprise after all this pop and disco. It's very interesting and unexpected because of it's major layerings throughout the track.

"Spy" another track that features Wyclef but is produced by The Neptunes sounds like it sampled "I Wonder Why He's The Greatest". I find that this album borrows heavily from the late 70s era which oddly suits Shakira. Wyclef shows off a much softer vocal performance alongside Shakira.

"Mon Amour" is the stand alone rock track and it does not dissapoint. It's the first time I truly got to hear Shakira in her rock element since her first few spanish language albums and when she is is on, she is on fire.

In conclusion, this is a brave endeavour for Shakira to tackle pure pop like she's never tackled it and it took alot of nerve for her to do venture here. I hope she collaborates with Pharrell Williams & Chad Hugo further as her career continues maybe not so much with Wyclef. It's like Mariah and Janet with Jermaine Dupri, it's a dead horse thats been beat a bit too much. With this album she shows us why in Latin America, she is considered La Beyonce without being an imitation, she is THAT BITCH. What do you expect from a chick name Shakira (pronounced in spanish Shak - aye -rra) if you didn't know but for us American folks it's just Shakira.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Damn I Wanna Be Your Lover

I listen to this anytime I need to get in touch with my romantic side when I feel I have lost it. The lyrics and fuckin powerful. The song features Terry Ellis and Dawn Robinson on co-leads and Cindy and Max on background vocals which is rare to have just have two of them on background vocals but it worked real well and the writing is awesome. I needed to hear this a few times while writing Part II of my scandolous blog entry.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Bed I Made...(Part I of III):

My name is Marlon Fisher and this is my story. I'm 27 from Miami, FL but now live in the Brooklyn Heights section of Brooklyn, NY. I live in a very clean, Cosby Show type setting. I like my neighborhood and I better for the amount of rent that I pay. I work really hard at what I do and maybe you've seen me on TV. That's right CNN, I'm that guy that you think he is but not quite sure. I will never tell and Marlon is not my name. My friends call me "Fish" not because I'm the gayest but because I can drink any man into the ground no questions asked. As long as my work gets done right? My best friend is Darius Caprice a very 5'10 beautiful full lips, lashes like a giraffe, eyes like a baby doll, very lean and very glossy dancer here in New York who loves a good time and a lot of trouble. I'm not going to count the many times I've had to bail his ass out. We are both lightning rods of fun with a high amount of voltage.

(4AM outside of Langstons in Brooklyn, NY)

Langstons is a hole in the wall yet somewhat spacious reggae club that Maurice likes to drag Darius and I to every Saturday, I had a good time and drinks are actually pretty reasonable. "Bkken" is really making a killing on the gays in this city. I'm waiting outside of the club to my left was Darius talking to some of his kiki girlfriends and all I can hear coming from inside Langstons is a popular reggae song "Bend Ova, Bend Ova" and then I hear "Aye Brown Skin you been avoiding me..." I thought to myself dammit Robert Stinger is the only person that calls me freakin Brown Skin. Robert is your class A successful balla, him and I know each other because he works in media as well. You may know him too, you've seen him on TV as a sports announcer for ESPN. I won't go into how we know each other but anything that involves him is good trouble and bad trouble. His 6'3 light skin gorgeous brown eyes with just neatly curly yet soft hair, a wide teeth smile and plainly muscular build makes him and ideal fuckbuddy of sorts, I should know I had it and it was good. It...was good.

"What do you want Robert?" I pierced over at him giving me the what I do face. Nice try Robert. "A brotha can't say hello without being up to something?" he gestured the you're breaking my heart motions. "When your name is Robert from Atlanta by way of Jamaica that mean you're always up to something". Darius came over and rushed into Roberts arms and started molesting his back with his hands. My worst nightmare came true. Robert was going to fuck one of my best friends and I can look like the cock-blocking friend or I can let them have their fun. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if I joined them, maybe they won't do anything. I am holding out that small bit of hope that Darius will be too drunk to do anything with Robbie. "So what you doing after this?" Robert asked with you wanna party with us look in his face when he always want to have a good time. "Nothing and Everything" I said. "So what you mean by this that, Marlon come on, it's me" "Nothing alone and everything that I am" I said with that you will not out-do me look. "Whats your plans Robbie" "Well I was thinking I can take you and baby boy right here back to my place for drinks" "Uh huh" I looked at Darius and he was clearly inebriated he didn't know what was going on except he knew he was horny and ready to go. "Well Robbie, wheres your car because this party isn't open all night" Luckily his car was parked right in front of the club. Darius and I sat in the backseat of his black tinted windows SUV and Darius in good ole Darius fashion laid on my lap. There was a passenger in the front seat rolling a blunt with dark shades on, neatly twisted locs that he looked like he had been growing for about a few years, beautiful brown skin and the sexiest lips I have ever gotten to seen that looks like he can suck a quarter out of a parking meter now imagine what he can do to a freshly puckered pink hole. Am I giving too much. I'm just getting started. I found my treat for the evening, FUCK Robert.

Robert jumped in the car, put the keys in and we were rolling. We drove up Atlantic Avenue which has to be one of the most depressing large streets in all of Brooklyn. We swiftly approached the White Castle in Clinton Hill as Robert asked did anybody want anything and with the most serious of answers that can ever come out of both Darius and myself "NO!" Gays, you know what White Castle does and if you're trying to have a good time, White Castle won't help you get there. I'm just saying. The tall drink of water in the passenger seat still hadn't said anything so I gave Robbie the look that said 'Is he gonna speak?' through his mirror. "Yo Maurice that's my boy Marlon and laying on his lap is Darius" "What up" Maurice had a very distinct West Indian accent and I looked on his left wrist and he had a Bahamian chain on it. "Sup" I said "Hey" in Darius half wasted slur said.

We made the right turn on Flatbush Avenue extension to head towards the Manhattan Bridge and Darius decided to get the party started early. He unzips my zipper with his teeth and inhaled my half erect chocolate rod in his mouth and began to hoover dam it. I was shocked because it happened in a nanosecond, this caused a slight swirve of the SUV and an immediate "Yo...son" response from Maurice. "Keep your eyes on the road Robbie, I'm not gonna die with my dick in his throat" "Well dont start the party with me" Maurice said looking back "Don't worry boo, I got you" I said looking dead at his dark shades in my best game face "Is that right?" he said with his game face on "I don't like to be challenged, I hope you know that" "And why is that" "Because I'd hate to make such a nice looking man like you cry" I said with a devious smirk. "Ohhhhhh" Maurice and Robert said laughing "Oh you talk alot of shit playa" Maurice said. "Save some for the host of this party" I said to Darius. I will say his head game is always on point alive or half dead. He only did that to show out because he was too drunk to he his normal perky self so doing what he knows how to do best he put on a show. I took my finger out from the sweaty back of Darius fitted jeans to readjust myself when Robbie reached back, grabbed my hand and licked the finger that was kindly molesting Darius sweaty crack right. "Damn" Robbie softly "mmm mmm mmm" "Like that homie?" Maurice looked over to Robbie and said. Robbie replied "Like that" with a nod

Robbie had just bought a new place in Jersey City in the newly rejuvenated Grove Street section. It took us quite a while to get over there by car but it was worth it. The area has definetely been on the come up and is absolutely beautiful to see at that time of night. His condo was like something you see in MTV Cribs. I've worked really hard to get to where I'm at but to give Robert credit he's worked longer, harder and stronger to get to where he's at and to think, I passed all of this up. The minute we get into this million wet dream of real estate, the party got started. Maurice got behind and started kissing me neck and Darius hopped into Roberts arms, with his legs tightly wrapped around his waist. Anyone who knows Darius' thighs and anything in between, knows that he can balance himself with no hands. It took no more than one minute before all four of us were naked. Robbie quickly carried Darius into the bedroom and began attacking that ass. I got to the foot of Robbie's King sized bed and Maurice threw me down face and began to eat me like there was birthday cake back there. I wish I could Darius was putting on a show but I've had a piece of Robbie Stinger and he does feel good from head to balls and from head to toe. This Maurice person however was getting it in back there, what the hell is he trying to do create a splash waterfalls back there? Maurice finally got up to get a his condoms out his back pocket, I went to my jacket to get my red Kodak digital camera. Shawty get it in, Daddy goes hard and I want Daddy to put on a show for shawty.

I come back to the room and Darius and now on his back with his legs to the ceilings and his toes in good ole fashion curl mode and Robbie giving a long stroke. I wasn't looking to record them though it was tempting. I got on my back and show Maurice how easy this was going to be and flexible I can get. I was so wet from getting my booty ate by this Bahamian dread I didn't know what to do except take it like the freak that I am. I hit the record button to film Maurice and I get it in, I have to say this was no easy task. He was easily packing a 9 thick, cut and heavy. This was a challenge I could've passed on but in it to win it. Maurice took my camera so I can lay back and relax and filmed from his angle and the shockwaves through my body began to grab for the first thing I can find. Sheets, lamp cords, pillows, the headboard anything that I can grab to distract me from the amount and force he was hitting me with. I knew what I was getting myself into and this serves me right it's been a long time since I last took dick and the last person to do me was in fact Robbie. I needed to be this to be over and over quick because though Maurice was good and the dick was decent. I really wanted him to get his nutt already, my mind was still on Robbie. Shit, I still want Robbie and he is fucking my best friend only inches away from me. I had my bright idea moment, I don't normally do this for jump offs but I was going to go for it. I stopped Maurice to change positions, this time have laying flat on his back and have me ride him backwards. Sometimes when you get bored you gotta get creative and this change of position made me the dick fun. He was trying to give me a run for my money by trying to fuck me harder but little did he know all he was doing was making it wetter. Now this is a party! I couldn't care less what Robbie and Darius were doing or how Maurice and I looked on camera but I know one thing Maurice found that special spot that every gay man knows and love and he fucks around and I catch this nutt it's a wrap and dammit wouldn't you know he got struck jackpot and I couldn't hide it. Ripple affects went through my body and I began to lose control of my own motions at this point my body was doing whatever it needed to do to release. Maurice got up and embraced me and started biting me on my neck. I think he got his too but did I care? Not really. Good stroke game though. I gently rose up off Maurice and walked to Robbie's private bathroom to go clean up, I can hear Darius and Robbie beginning to slow down which makes me believe that they finished too. There was not a dry spot on my body and I was in a desperate need of a shower. The minute the water rolled down my back, I started feeling sharp stinging pains down my ass I knew this was going to be a long couple of days of recovery but shit I needed this, every man has needs, I got mine, he got his we're both single, we're all single. I dried off using one of Robbie's clean towels in a closet in the bathroom, everything was so nicely color coordinated and neatly folded. I left the bathroom in all my nakedness to find Darius giving Maurice and Robbie head on the bed. All I can think was either Darius booty game was weak or Robbie isn't the strapping young man that I thought he was. I decided I had enough of the part and decided to get my clothing from the living room and at least put on my tee shirt and fresh white Banana Republic boxers and fix myself a drink. Robbie surely wouldn't mind and after all that I was thirsty as hell. I laid down on his plush sofa and I couldn't remember anything after that.

10am came and I was up bright as a light the sun beaming over Jersey City and Manhattan pierced though Robbie's apartment forcing me up followed by the obvious sounds of a shower. I dragged myself off of the sofa and heard my phone beeping which mean I either missed a call or have a text message, I checked and it was a text message from Robbie saying "your boy can take some dick but don't do it like you". I stumbled over to the bedroom and saw Maurice spooned up behind Darius. I went to the massive windows in Robbie's apartment and welcome the view of the early Sunday morning city. The shower finally stopped and Robbie comes out the bathroom and out the bedroom naked and still a little damp from his shower and walks over to me and stands directly behind me with this dick pressed firmly against my butt. I leaned back and whisper in his ear "Been There Done That". He kindly laughed and kissed me on my neck and he whispered in my ear "We got unfinished business shawty". I like a challenge and I will not be outdone. "So what you wanna do?" He crouched down in a squat position, spread my cheeks and began to caress my already tender hole. This sensitivity made me slightly crazy but I tried to keep it on the low but Robbie knows my body like I know his and he knew I wasn't up for another round after last night with Maurice. "Next time it's just you and me"

Later that morning, Darius and Maurice showered together and got dressed. I fell asleep on the couch again with my iphone in my hand in normal fashion and woke up to nudging from Darius. I took it was finally ready to go. Maurice was still looking half sleep and Robbie was moving with more pep in his step that usual. He opened the door for all three of us and locked the door. We took the elevator down from his 23rd floor apartment down to the garage to get back in the SUV. I wasn't sure how this was going to go was Robbie going to take us to the PATH trains and tell us to foot it from there or was he going to drive us into the city. I began to roll through emails and text messages and I got another one from Robbie saying "We got unfinished business...come through Wednesday". I replied "ok". Hey, I'm not a slut. I just like getting it in where I can get it when I can get it if I can fit it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

All Is Fair in Love and Money

"It's Funny How Money Changes A Situation"-Lauryn Hill, Lost Ones,1998

It is funny isn't it? It's funny how it takes coming into a whole lot of money for a person who started out with very little to finally start landing the bad ass chick, the pretty chicks. It's funny how fame, money and a good stylist makes people change how they see you on a scale of 1 to 10. Us as people can be so fake and so lame all at the same time. I can respect any chick or any dude that will say "I don't care how much money you throw at me, I'm still not fucking you". Apparently Lil Wayne, The-Dream or Kanye West have not a damn thing to worry about. As we saw, look where it got Jay-Z. I can agree, the majority of you that are reading this or people that I have interacted with will say "Looks don't matter" or "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I think that is a fair and noble thing to say to keep from looking like the worlds biggest jerk. When in reality you are saying in the back of your head is "If I have to put a paper bag over your head to deal with you in bed, then whats the point?". Comedian/Actress S'more had one funny skit back in the 90s "...You know you're an ugly bitch when dudes refuse to fuck you missionary style so you might as well get on in that doggystyle" That was one of my favourite early skits by her.

I guess I am question how is it that Jay-Z ended up with Beyonce. By the time Jay-Z and Beyonce began dating, Jay-Z was still on the come up, Beyonce upgraded him by being sexy, in-shape and successful. That didn't quite make him sexier, It was when people started seeing he was actually making some serious money that people men and women started riding his plank. I respect Beyonce Knowles because she got with a man that she believed in, saw his potential and stuck with him throughout the changes in his career and they are still together six years later. Can you believe it's been six years since we first saw them together? That is where I can say, their relationship is genuine, no matter how you may feel about them together or what you think of his looks vs. her looks, that is genuine and it's an actual model relationship. Step 1: Look for someone in whom you have something in common with Step 2: Realize each others potentials and come up with a plan on how you can help each other achieve your goals Step 3: Enjoy the ride

Now when it comes down to people like let's say, Lil Wayne. I have spoken to a great deal of my female colleagues and they will try to explain to me up and down with a straight face that they find Lil Wayne attractive. If you are sitting at your computer screen or mobile device with a blank stare, trust me you arent the only one, I promise. The words many of them described him as was "cute" and he got "swagga". Ain't that much swagga in the world. So now to reference S'more, do you let him hit doggy-style because you can't stand to look at HIS face? Ladies, you gotta help me out here because I'm not quite comprehending what you find to be attractive, sexy or cute. By the way, if you consider your boyfriend a "cutie" he's automatically suspect or too young. No grown ass man that you get involved with should be "cute" like dogs are cute, cats are cute and little doll babies in pink dresses are cute. Your men should be strong, independent, indeed sexy and bring something to the table more than just money like a strong sense of values, respect, maturity and a sense of direction. Where does Lil' Wayne fit into this? These rather lovely examples of black beauty Toya, Lauren London & Nivea. These aren't your run of the mill chicken heads from the hood. What really suprised me was how badly Wayne treated Toya. Then he decides to get Lauren London and Nivea knocked up at the same time. I'm not quite following but if you ladies insist. I will say that I looked high and low and I couldn't find any pictures of Lil Wayne with any of the females out in public and you know how I feel about that "A man that doesn't want to be seen with you definetely doesn't want to be seen with you"

Next, I look at Christina Milian. Oh, Christina, as I bow my head into the palm of my right hand. You are indeed getting married to man that has three children by another woman. You are indeed a very pretty young lady, you have created quite a market for yourself as a teeny-bopper type actress in the "Bring It On" series, sorry that you missed out on Nick Cannon whom is now married to one of the widely recognized women in the past 20 years of music. You end up with someone like The-Dream whom we can all agree needs to push back from the table. As a woman of your calibur, don't you think the fact that he has 4 children from other baby mamas raise a red flag to say "Maybe I should think about this first" but you're already expecting so there's not much to think about right? As I look at this situation I have to ask myself if he was "The-Dream" and just Tarius Nash, would bangin ass Christina Milian even give him a second look?

I don't know about anyone reading this but I so could've seen Christina Milian with a football player or a basketball player. She just gives you that vibe since dating people in the music industry hasn't quite worked out for her. However, ching-ching she got married to the new VP of Island/Def Jam who is worth quite a huge chunk of money, no pre-nup was involved and there is a child on the way. I absolutely smell disaster in two years with no one to gain but Christina. I smell a divorce, I smell a cash settlement and I smell a hit record or two maybe an album because of course, The-Dream is not going to give wifey shitty beats or songs now is he?

Lastly someone explain this Kanye West-Amber Rose deal. Amber Rose is one stunning BBB, bad-ass bald bitch. Her physique is impressive and her body parts are soft, juicy and luscious and (PAUSE) she is dating Kanye "I'm very happy for you, I'm a let you finish but" West. Just as equally as many of you said nobody knew who Taylor Swift was until Kanye West interrupted her acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards, 90% of you didn't know who Amber Rose was until she was seen out with who? Kanye. I am not at all crediting Kanye West for blowing up peoples careers. Taylor Swift had been creating hit country songs since she was age 15 outselling Gretchen Wilson, Carrie Underwood and Kelly Pinckler. I still can't tell you what Amber Rose has done that's remarkable. She is indeed a beautiful beast of a female but what is she doing with Kanye? Kanye is the last person that comes to mind when the word "swagger" is involved and across the board talking to women of all different backgrounds, they wouldn't let Kanye near their sweet honey nectar even if he did have the biggest stinger. He is the nerd/band geek that none of the pretty girls want. That again changed after the release of his album Graduation in which he beat out the 50 Cent for the #1 spot on the album charts that week. (I'm not even touching the 50 and Ciara debacle, too easy). Kanye started dressing a little better, actually a lot better and gaining noteriety from many fashion bloggers, sites and designers all around for his snappy style. The thing is, you still gotta see him naked, when he's naked you gotta look at his face and you when you're all alone and just the two of you, you still gotta deal with that rediculous ego.

Women for a fact know that sex is a powerful tool and Men know for a fact that money is a powerful tool as well and they know as long as they got the money, they can get the girl and as long as they can get the girl, they are getting the sex. So Money does in fact change a situation huh. Well maybe I should come into some money. I'd probably see a difference in how not only people treat me but I will never have to worry about an empty bed again. Just a thought.