Friday, October 30, 2009

Good Morning Afghanistan. Wake Up America

I am not a part of the military, marines, navy or coast guard. I don't have relatives in the armed services either. I am however, a US citizen that though I didn't support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, I still wanted to believe in our President George W. Bush and his administration to in fact find Osama Bin Laden. 8 years later however, we are finding ourselves in a different position. We are fighting in a war where it seems that there is no good answer. There is no A, B, C, D or E All of the above. This has to be extremely thought out and all the while Americans are weary and losing support for being in war. While I'm no expert in war strategy and I sure wasn't in 2002 when the country entered Iraq and Afghanistan it sure did feel rushed. It felt like a knee jerk reaction to the events of September 11Th, 2001. Well we are in the war, at the time the country favoured going in with the goal of righting the wrongs of what happened that day, getting even and bringing terrorists to justice.

Today is Friday, October 30, 2009 and Bin-Laden has yet to be found. Our military have semi-occupied two Muslim nations with very little resolve in bringing down the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. Most Americans like me are saying "Show me the Bin-Laden". It is fair to point out that in Summer of 2008, roughly 43% of Americans couldn't identify Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan nor Pakistan on a world map and that's just the few that supported our twin wars.

The point I am making is this, The U.S. troops are in a corrupt country (Afghanistan), fighting against another corrupt government (Pakistan) where if the U.S. stay in Afghanistan they are seen as "occupying" and if the U.S. leave it is free lunch for all of Al-Qaeda to come back into Afghanistan and seek a reign of bloody terror onto any civilians that aligned themselves with Americans in exchange for aide. The U.S. has also tried to buy the support of the Afghan people by building schools particularly for the young women of Afghanistan. If the U.S. leave then all that needs to happen is for the schools to be blown up, with children inside to keep especially young women from receiving an education.

I find it deeply sickening that it appears we are the only ones willing to fight this war. We can not prop ourselves up as a nation of peace when we are in two wars with a developing host spot occurring between Israel and Iran, in which we better stay out of that one. We are losing so more money on this war daily while nations like China and Japan invest in their future and stability. This country can not continue on this road and expect to be the leader of the free world. I may be the only one thinking this but it makes plenty of sense. More jobs are leaving overseas than coming in, the economy is weakened followed by a choke hold of a Health Care system. The United States is no longer a productive nation. It doesn't seem right to go for broke on this bad gamble, let's gamble is our own future and prosperity for our children.

Our military troops, Men and Women, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Nieces and Nephews have spent more years in Afghanistan than the Russians. We lose more and more of our troops daily and General Stanley A. McChrystal says we need more troops. The reason there was an outrage for the Vietnam War was not because our country was simply at war, it was because the American people were losing. The people as Sarah Palin likes to quote "that makes this nation so great...real America" were losing their husbands, sons, nephews and brothers. There was this idea that if you drove past a bus stop with a school of children waiting for the bus that some time in the future, our country would be sending them into the same war that our family members fought. We can't allow that. Our President can't be willing to support. Sadly, however it's not as simple as I am for it, I am against it. I was not for nor against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars but instead I was in support of finding the people responsible for killing over 3,000 people and taking down the two buildings that especially in this economy will never be rebuilt again. I am more in support of bringing our troops home and ending this war responsibly, that is the real and human way to win this war. For our people, for the American people.


  1. My father was in the Army for 20 years and fought in the first GULF WAR. He was almost forced to serve in Iraq but the military granted him retirement instead. I know what its like to have a parent stationed overseas and wonder if you'll ever see him again. I was lucky because my dad made it home. Many kids aren't so lucky...many kids lose their parents/brothers/cousins every single day. What makes it worse is the fact that many people don't know WHY we're fighting. We're going off of the bullshit that was fed to us by George Bush. More Americans have died fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan than during the 9/11 attacks...

  2. I conquer with u on the point that the war is going on now for too long and it seems there is no end.
    I think pride is keeping this war going. USA cannot lose a war - after all they are the leader of the free world but at what expense - lives.

    Good perspective.
